St Louis organic seo company – Studio 2108 LLC – a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) company located in St Louis, MO. When I meet with potential clients I am constantly amazed that they have no web stats tracking, their websites are missing meta tags and have nothing installed to help get the website found. There are a lot of companies that develop websites and claim they know how to proper organic optimization. I suggest that you ask them to show you case studies of their SEO efforts for their website and their clients. Click here to see how we rank. We have several case studies showing how we have increased organic search engine traffic to their website.
We take building a website seriously and have a custom script that installs our standard set of SEO plugins each time we install WordPress on our server. We custom design websites using WordPress. If you are hesitant about using WordPress for your content managed system (CMS). Please give me a call and set up a time to meet with me so I show you how we are different. After all, what good is a website if no one including Google can find it?